relationship therapy with
"happy ending..."
▪ We want to bring out the best in each other instead of the worst…
▪ We want our relationship to add to our lives rather than limit us…
▪ We want to be together in harmony and love instead of conflict or indifference...
We all want that. Unfortunately, this does not always work. In fact, we often want to turn the tide, but we simply do not know how.
Blanca van den Brand is a well-known Dutch relationship therapist who has lived and worked in La bella Italia for years. She first lived on the magical Lake Como, now on the unsurpassed Lake Varese. Just above Milan. There she receives and guides her clients - in a completely unique way. Intensive and adequate. Everything she does is short, concise & concrete.
She is happy to assist you and you. With advice and action. With all the love in the world. Because with the right tools in hand, you can come closer to each other again, emotionally and physically. So that you can (again) grow into the most beautiful versions of yourself..! And can start enjoying love, life and each other again...!
For more information, please contact Blanca directly by email [ blanca@InSightorOut.nl ] or via the App.

Stay tuned.

Dutch relationship therapist Blanca van den Brand (48). She studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in social sexology. After graduating, she traveled to Hawaii to do a do an apprenticeship with world's most famous sexologist Elaine Hatfield. Completely appalled by 'the American way' of counseling, Blanca decided to do things differently. She traveled the world to develop her own constructive-confrontational approach, based on her own own (un)common sense and ideas.
The Love & Life Company 'InSightorOut' is an initiative of the famous
Her insights on love, relationships and sex are imaginatively presented in her books [ "making love": de liefde bedrijven ] and [ "69. the art of loving": 69. De kunst van het beminnen ], which will give you a 5-star love life and a 5-star sex life. Currently Blanca is working on her third book [ "self-gratification": zelfbevrediging ]. Contrary to what the exciting titles suggest, the books are not about sex, but about the revaluation of love.
She also regularly proclaims her loving message in the media in a puritanical way. She is also called 'the vicar in stilettos', 'the pastor in stiletto heels'. She is known for her confrontational approach and her controversial approach. Blanca makes regular appearances on TV and radio and she writes about sex, love and life for a number of newspapers and magazines.
Blanca guides her clients in la Bella Italia. In the Varese area.
Both online and -preferably- live(ly).
Always loving. Always surprising. Always welcome.


Blanca Van den Brand
Gavirate / varese / LOMBARDIA
la Bella Italia
Whatsapp 00-31-6-340 156 08