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Together with her husband Raymond Landgraaf, the passionate relationship therapist Blanca van den Brand decided to head South and enjoy La Dolce Vita for a while. With their 2 (now 4!) children. They initially picked the beautiful and magical Lago di Como, the world-famous Lake Como and for four years now they are living on the Lake of Varese. Instantly smitten with their new spot, they decided to share this romantic discovery with others. Raymond is a regular medical doctor but has specialized in traditional Chinese acupuncture, Tibetan herbs and Buddhist lifestyle. And in addition to his work, he organizes back-to-basic expeditions for [ ]. Blanca and Ray know how to wonderfully combine Dutch sobriety with Eastern wisdom.


In addition to organizing her [ love retreats ], giving [ online therapy ] and writing her columns, Blanca is quietly working on her third book. Sticking to their motto “casa mia é casa tua” they would love to welcome you to their lovely second 'home' in Varese.

At the romantic Lake Varese In Italy you are more than welcome for:
[ love retreats ]

[ cheat retreat ]

[ live tearapy ]

Coming soon: [relight my fire retreat]

Coming soon: [ expedition for couples & singles ]


Read the story about their Dolce Vita [ in the media ] ...


If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Blanca directly: Feel free to write in Dutch, English or Italian.

La bella Italia.


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[ relationship therapy ] [ love retreats ] [ cheat retreats ] [ live boostersessions] [ online therapy ]

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