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Although it sounds a bit hip and distant, online therapy can be a very good alternative or addition to regular "live" sessions. Video calling, Skype, Face-Time, Zoom, Whatsapp has many advantages:

▪ No waiting lists, can be scheduled at short notice
▪ No travel time
▪ From your own familiar environment
▪ No babysitter needed
▪ Also possible in the evenings and at weekends
â–ª You will only be charged for the minutes used
â–ª And.. You don't have the risk of running into acquaintances in the waiting room ;)
The use of video calling has also proven to be very effective. Often, a conversation or 3 is enough. But 1 conversation can also have a real lifechanging effect. The trick is to get to the heart of the matter as quickly as possible and to put you to work separately on concrete and feasible assignments. Then it is up to you to carry out the homework assignments at home and put the newly acquired insights into practice.

Do you feel like talking to Blanca? That's possible..! After official registration, a first conversation can usually be scheduled within a few days. Nice, easy and fast. But above all very practical and effective.
online therapy.

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